For Immediate Release…
MARCO ISLAND, FL–TruPayroll, a national leading provider of online payroll services, has received the Edenark Group ISO 14001 Green Team Guide and has started planning its project work to become certified sustainable, inclusive of commencing ESG and carbon neutrality planning.
“The TruPayroll team is excited to start reviewing the Green Team Guide and considering the various projects and activities to improve our carbon footprint and sustainability effort, as part of our pursuit of sustainability certification, carbon neutrality and ESG program development,” said Albert Wagner, CEO of TruPayroll.
Over the past decade, TruPayroll has built a reputation for its affordable, easy-to-use web-based interface and a personable ability to guide clients through complicated industry changes, 24 hours a day. The decision to pursue the environmental sustainability certification is yet another intentional step toward giving clients a peace of mind that TruPayroll is a responsible corporate citizen, said Albert Wagner, founder of TruPayroll.
“As a corporate payroll partner to companies in 24 states, we take seriously the investment our partners make with us,” Wagner said. “This certification is our way of giving them further assurance that we are responsible business partners to them and to the overall world we share.”
The Edenark Group ISO 14001 is the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification program and allows small to mid-sized enterprises the ability to attain the world’s most popular environmental certification standard via a program designed and priced specifically for them. Edenark Group also helps clients pursue carbon neutrality and ESG program development, using the Edenark Group ISO 14001 as a foundation for long term compliance.
The program helps the organization define how it interacts internally, externally, and with the environment. It incorporates energy/waste/water, employee health and performance enhancement, community involvement, procurement and suppliers, compliance and regulations, emergency/security, and stakeholder engagement.
“There are hundreds of things a company can do to improve its carbon footprint and environmental sustainability effort. Many can be done at little to no cost to the company and are fun for the employees,“ said David Goodman, CEO of Edenark Group. “The goal is to constantly make progress while enjoying the process. The TruPayroll team brings positive energy. They are excited about what they are doing for their company, their community and the world; and are having fun doing it,” added Goodman.
TruPayroll (https://www.trupayroll.com/)
Albert Wagner
(239) 394-0358
Edenark Group (https://edenark.com)
(561) 512-2257